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Photo courtesy Barbara Hammerman
Just a test.
After every flight, Qantas pilots fill out a form, called a "gripe sheet," which tells mechanics about problems with the aircraft.
The mechanics correct the problems, document their repairs on the form, then the pilots review the gripe sheets right before the next flight. Never let it be said that ground crews lack a sense of humour.
Here are some of the actual maintenance complaints submitted by the Qantas' pilots (as marked with a P) and the solutions recorded (as marked with an S) by the maintenance engineers. By the way, it is relevant to note that Qantas is the only major airline in the world that has never, ever, had an accident!
P: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement.
S: Almost replaced left inside main tire.
P: Test flight OK, except auto-land very rough.
S: Auto-land not installed on this aircraft.
P: Something loose in the cockpit.
S: Something tightened in the cockpit.
P: Autopilot in altitude-hold mode produces a 200 feet per minute descent.
S: Cannot reproduce problem on ground.
P: Evidence of a leak on the right main landing gear.
S: Evidence removed.
P: DME volume unbelievably loud.
S: DME volume reset to a more believable level.
P: Friction locks causes throttle levers to stick.
S: That's what friction locks are for.
P: IFF inoperative in OFF mode.
S: IFF always inoperative in OFF mode.
P: Suspected crack in windshield.
S: Suspect you're right.
P: The number 3 engine is missing.
S: Engine found on right wing after a brief search.
P: Aircraft handles funny. (I love this one!)
S: Aircraft warned to straighten up, fly right and be serious.
P: Target radar hums.
S: Reprogrammed target radar with lyrics.
P: Mouse in cockpit.
S: Cat installed.
P: Noise coming from under the instrument panel. Sounds like a midget pounding on something with a hammer.
S: Took hammer away from the midget.
Kulula is an Airline with head office situated in Johannesburg . Kulula airline attendants make an effort to make the in-flight "safety lecture" and announcements a bit more entertaining.
Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported:
On a Kulula flight, (there is no assigned seating, you just sit where you want) passengers were apparently having a hard time choosing, when a flight attendant announced,
"People, people we're not picking out furniture here, find a seat and get in it !"
On another flight with a very "senior" flight attendant crew, the pilot said,
"Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance the appearance of your flight attendants."
On landing, the stewardess said,
"Please be sure to take all of your belongings.. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it 's something we'd like to have."
"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane."
"Thank you for flying Kulula. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."
As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at DurbanAirport , a lone voice came over the loudspeaker:
"Whoa, big fella. WHOA!"
After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in the Karoo, a flight attendant on a flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted."
From a Kulula employee:
"Welcome aboard Kulula 271 to Port Elizabeth . To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised."
"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with more than one small child, pick your favourite."
"Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Kulula Airlines."
"Your seat cushions can be used for flotation; and in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments."
"As you exit the plane, make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.."
And from the pilot during his welcome message:
"Kulula Airlines is pleased to announce that we have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight!"
Heard on Kulula 255 just after a very hard landing in Cape Town : The flight attendant came on the intercom and said,
"That was quite a bump and I know what y'all are thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendant's fault, it was the asphalt."
Overheard on a Kulula flight into Cape Town , on a particularly windy and bumpy day: During the final approach, the Captain really had to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the Flight Attendant said,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Mother City. Please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened while the Captain taxis what's left of our airplane to the gate!"
Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."
An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile, and give them a "Thanks for flying our airline". He said that, in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had gotten off except for a little old lady walking with a cane. She said,
"Sir, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Why, no Ma'am," said the pilot. "What is it ?"
The little old lady said,
"Did we land, or were we shot down?"
After a real crusher of a landing in Johannesburg, the attendant came on with,
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the Crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we will open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal.."
Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement:
"We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today.. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of Kulula Airways."
Heard on a Kulula flight:
"Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to smoke, the smoking section on this airplane is on the wing.. If you can light 'em, you can smoke 'em."
Real-time blood alcohol calculator for your iPhone or iPod
Now Available on the App Store!
It's been 36 days from when the app announcement was first posted here. Its been a longer road than expected getting the app approved by Apple.
The Slurp'n'Burp Sipometer monitors your alcohol consumption sip-by-sip in real time.
If you attach your iPhone or iPod to your beverage container, Slurp'n'Burp will automatically detect when you take a sip and update your blood alcohol concentration. Or you can enter your sips manually. Or you can do it drink-by-drink like other blood alcohol calculators do.
When you take a sip, Slurp'n'Burp emits a contented sigh and when you finish your drink emits a loud burp. If you sip for an extended time, it begins chanting, "Chug! Chug! Chug!" (The sound effects can be disabled.)
Slurp'n'Burp draws a graph of your blood alcohol concentration in real time and depending on your level of inebriation, makes helpful comments such as "Impaired peripheral vision" or "You're probably not as funny as you think."
Settings are provided for the drink size, the alcohol percentage, your weight, and your gender.
Drinking SCMB at Riva's last night.
Y Not?
(Note the frozen beer down the left side.)
Discovered at Jim Gordon's birthday dinner!
Don't forget the Festivus traditions:
1. The airing of grievances before the Festivus meal ("I've got a lot of problems with you people...")
2. The feats of strength
3. The labeling of easily explained events as Festivus Miracles
Photo courtesy Steve Fannell.
My neighbor knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning.
Can you believe that, 2:30am?!
Lucky for him I was still up playing my bagpipes.
My girlfriend thinks I'm a stalker.
Well, she's not exactly my girlfriend yet.
Guess where I am now..,
A hint:
Made it back to Rapid City and the Firehouse Brewing Co
for lunch and a beer. No IPA's currently but had a tasty Mojo Bone a little maltier with a bit of hops.
Maureen Ford Sewing 831 227-5107
Its made from Iraq War Army surplus canvas, zips up tight, and in addition to a shoulder strap that lets you carry it in a no-spill upright position, it has a handle that makes it easy to pour!
First demon sighting of the season at the Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery
at the Santa Cruz Democratic Headquarters in The Galleria,
including, beginning one to the left of Obama and working to the right) Santa Cruz Mayor Don Lane, Richelle Noroyan (candidate for Santz Cruz City Council), 5th District County Supervisor Mark Stone (running for 29th District California Assemblyman), and our representative in the US House of Representatives (17th congressional district) Sam Farr.
The candidates came to thank the volunteers at the end of Saturday's phone bank in support of Eric Hammer (candidate for 5th District Supervisor) and supporting YES on proposition 30 and NO on proposition 32.
Best Album of 2011 CD Review
Cry Truly, Apollo of St Paul, Last Beast in Heaven, Cry On
WF: Your name is Denny Joints? (J pronounced like the Y in Yo!)
DJ: That's right.
WF: Joints?
DJ: That's what I put on my CDs that I put out.
WF: You're a musician in Santa Cruz and you're working currently at Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing as a bartender on weekends. Tell us about your music.
DJ: I've been doing it around here forever.
WF: What does forever mean?
DJ: Well, since I was 18....about 10 years I've been playing around here. Now I'm doing just music for the 12 string guitar and the voice solo.
I have a big visual thing that I have all these candles and a music stand and this big fucking iPhone prop that I made.
WF: You have a whole environment you create when you play your music?
DJ: That's the kind of the point. I don't want it to be some guy in your fucking living room with a guitar... like..... there's the sound, and the delivery, and the whole atmosphere is very coherent.
WF: Where do you present your show?
DJ: I do house shows all the time because those are easy and people always come. Metavinyl, downtown, is a great place because it's quiet and I always pack it when I play. Everyone always comes and I can really generate this thing.
WF: Do you have any dates that we can....
DJ: I just played on Friday but don't have one right now.
WF: We'll post it on Westside Fog whenever it happens.
DJ: I know a few people who do solo stuff around here whether it's acoustic or not so I always try and keep in touch with them. In San Francisco, my friend has house shows pretty frequently. Thats actually when I started doing this because I never wanted to do solo acoustic but then she said can you play at my party? I went, Well what the fuck am I going to do? What about all the songs on the guitar you've been writing, why don't you do those? Cuz you know I just don't always write for the voice and the guitar.
WF: Do you play exclusively music you've written yourself?
DJ: Well, mostly, and then I do... this last show I did a song by Van X, that I've been playing all the time. It's just a fun song to play..... and then I did an English version of a disjoined German band and they are all about playing on metal and plastic drums and drills and saws. I did a version for the 12 string guitar and a voice and it's in English. I play Patti Smith now and again but mostly it's all the whole set I've written. I play in a punk band in Oakland and I played in Santa Cruz.
WF: Do you play music that your punk band plays?
DJ: Not usually because there's no beat and no electric guitar and there's no, there's just my voice. The last time I played at Metavinyl I played two songs that I do in that band because I ran out of stuff to play. And I played this song, kinda a Ramones song...."Hey asshole, I'm in love with your girlfriend. She's a babe and you're a caveman. Go fuck yourself." and then I did this song, "What do you do when you live in a car?" that I wrote for our punk band but the last several shows I've been doing just all this 12 string guitar.
WF: We're going to be looking for you to be playing ay Metavinyl in the near future?
DJ: Or the Crepe Place. In this town, I haven't really explored a lot of the other places to play for this particular thing because it's all about the environment.
I played at a house party down the street from here on the Westside last week.
WF: Here being Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing.
DJ: Down on Dufour where ever it is. It was kinda ridiculous because the people who came to see me really paid attention, everybody else was just getting drunk and yelling. I was yelling at them for awhile, "Shut the fuck up" and then they actually went outside. This isn't like party sex butt music. This is like intellectual music. It's like Schubert, right?
WF: You don't want people to come and listen to you who are there to get drunk.
DJ: Get drunk, yeah, but if you're not really taking it in you'd loose out on what it is. If I had a huge drum machine or a funk band and it was like where no matter how near or far you are from the sound you're gonna just move your ass, that would be one thing. This is not that type of music at all. This is more like Schubert. It's poetry set to harmony basically ?on the guitar? I'm only dealing with harmony and rhythm. That's all I can really do. I don't play a lot of melody on the guitar because I'm trying to keep up the rhythm.
WF: I know that you're a musician who has some training -- not just some guy with a guitar who's figured this shit out. When you talk about Schubert you actually know what you're talking about.
DJ: Yes there is modulations in the stuff I write... there is...I am absolutely aware of every harmonic change that happens. I don't just pick it out of a hat or just fucking do it because I'm used to it. There's definite purpose. That's why it bears listening because there is a lot of and the music really does move and it really does go places and if you're not paying attention you're not going to know that.
WF: So how do you find venues that allow you to present this kind of music?
DJ: I don't know....I don't really try. I've gotten a lot of house shows.
WF: What do you mean by a house show?
DJ: Where people are having a party and a bunch of people are going to play.
WF: So it's friends of the people of the house?
DJ: Yeah, so like this girl called me up and said I'm going to have a house show do you want to get some people to play and I said yeah, so me and my one friend and one of her friends played.
WF: So if the readers of Westside Fog wanted to attend one of your house shows?
DJ: You could come,
WF: It would have to be publicized somehow...
DJ: Yeah it's pretty much word of mouth and Facebook we do amongst people we know.
Since September alone I've played 5 shows, which is amazing and I found out about all of them within a week or two of the show so they have to be quick.
Denny Joints and Midnite Snack - Facebook
High Sierra Brewery Carson City, NV
24oz Tall of OMG IPA 6.3% and 80 IBU.
Very refreshing. The Westfalia had to work hard going over #88---about 4 spots was in 2nd gear--18.5 mpg :( puked some coolant at COSTCO. Gas $3.44/gal
Growler refills $10
Lunch at the Ale Asylum in Madison WI
Chicken avocado wrap w/whole wheat and cole slaw---healthy except for the "Satisfaction Jacksin" double IPA 8.35 ABV IBU?
Very strong Santa Cruz vibe down to the tattooed brewmaid.
A nice stop.
Interstate 90 is always going to equal hundreds of miles of corn... I am about 2 1/2 hours out of La Crosse Wisconsin and I think I can find a brewery there.
Made it to the Pearl City Brewery in La Crosse. Outside not too impressive
Inside better
The "Dankenstein IIPA" rhymes with "Frankenstein" 100 IBUs and 9.5% ABV $5.50 pt (their other beers on happy hour/$2.75). Even better yet!
They don't refill other breweries growlers---not a state law but the brewer doesn't want the chances of a contaminated growler blamed on him. They refill yours in a new one and sterilize yours for reuse.
even better yet!
A widespread power outage on the Westside started Monday the 24th at about 8 AM. PG&E's estimate for when it will be fixed or when there will be additional information is 11 AM.
The outage is from Mission St. to the coast.
PG&E's outage phone number is 800-743-5002.
9:15am update: PG&E crews are on site. Power restoration expected by 11 AM.
10:05am Power restored.
There is one unsubstantiated report that the outage was caused by a car colliding with a power pole.
SANTA CRUZ - Power was knocked out for 1,671 customers in Westside Santa Cruz for about an hour and 45 minutes Monday, according to officials. The outage, which occurred at about 8 a.m., affected signal lights on Mission Street, and homes and businesses from Mission Street to West Cliff Drive north of the wharf, authorities said.
Safeway was affected, too, one customer said.
Monica Tell of PG&E said the cause was not yet known.
She said she did not have an estimate of when power would be restored to the remaining customers.
The Westfalia in its natural environment with its larger relations:
The Westfalia on America's loneliest highway--US #50 in central Nevada. Needed a rest break and a little "hair of the dog"!
At the entrance to the Bonneville Salt Flats--cheap, but OK. The wet summer has wreaked havoc on the speed contests.
Beer cheaper than parking $6 v $4.99 for 1/2 liter. All draft beer was 4% alc and growler refills $7.99. Pale Ale pretty tasty. The Captain Oatmeal Stout was very creamy with hints of coffee and cocoa. It would be a good breakfast drink since I'm favoring a heat sensitive molar.
Bitter Creek Brewing Rock Springs WY. This has been a full day. The mustang pale ale could have been cooler and hoppier.
A good $12 Cobb salad.
Won't go out of my way to return.
At my cousin's in Lake Forest, IL.
13,000 sqft on 1860's architecture.
Wes even provided my an attached bathroom...
At least I was served a Goose island 312 Urban Wheat Beer.
Sightseeing in Chicago...
Last day in Lake Forest and tomorrow I will arrive at the lone beerwolf's aka Eric Longpre, in Spring Lake MI. It'll take a little over 4 hrs and some toll roads and Siri to get there.
Our day in Chicago was illuminating for me. The downtown area was clean, vibrant and possessed some truly amazing architecture.
The second picture was from my cousin's condo. Lake Michigan looks more like the ocean.
I had a Goose Island "Matilda" a Belgian pale ale that was pretty full-bodied and 7% ABV. The locals a pretty proud of this brewery,
Eric has promised some wonderful breweries, but I'll be happier seeing him!
I got to Eric's at noon, lost.
An hour due to EST. I think I'd still be in Chicago if I didn't have GPS. Went to Old Boys Brewery.
And you can boat here. Good pizza and imperial IPA.
Send picture later.
Then went to Odd Sides in Grand Haven.
Third brewery of the day. Mad hatter IPA 5% ABV --kind of a session IPA. Good balance but not aggressively hopped.
A very happy beerwolf!
Eric definitely picked a beer Mecca in which to retire.
Brewery #4 Our Brewing Co. A tasty Careless Whisper IPA 7% 67 IBU. It's been quite a day. Hopefully there will time for cigars later.
Two days of picking, sorting, washing, crushing, squeezing, and carousing hosted by Nicole, Felix, and Dave. Cider Rules!
Norm eating a Dirty Bastard and drinking a Double Trouble IPA 120 IBU and 9.4%
At Founders Brewery in Grand Rapids aka Beer City USA.
World's largest art prize. 1500 entries $500,000 in prizes. (For Mo!)
For Tony & Dave
We hoofed it over to Grand Rapids Brewing (at least 10 mi and 95*)
Enjoying a Fishladder IPA 80 IBU's and 6.5% ABV---ambrosia....
Only 3 breweries today. The third, just outside Grand Rapids, Perrin Brewing. Their IIPA w/7 American hops--60 IBU's and ABV 8.9%. They say the flavor "lingers like a four day old house guest"!
Eric's been warned... A very well balanced and pretty smooth IPA.
On the road today. Hopefully will hit Quay St Brewing in Port Huron before crossing in to Canada. The "last supper" w/Eric consisted of Dungeness crab cakes, filet and Southern-style green beans.
It's been a wonderful visit and leaving is kind of tough.
Stopped Port Huron at the Quay St Brewing for lunch before crossing over the bridge into Canada.
Just 3 house brewed beers-a cram ale, apricot lager and a pale. I did the pale which was far maltier than hoppy.
The $9.99 fish and chips made up for it.
Only one brewery today in Hastings Michigan called the Walldorff. Heading to the middle of the state to visit Debbie. Daughter junior high school involved in a powder puff football game against some other girls. I get the chance to live what middle America is all about. I should be heading east continuing my journey leaving with regrets or on Monday I'll keep in touch bye
Outside the Cellar in Sparta MI. The inside was dark as a cave and the beer 2 dimensional and forgettable.
Decided to go to the Rockford Brewery in picture postcard town of Rockford MI.
Excellent service. Hoplust IPA 7.1% a big improvement over the Cellar. Food OK, not great. The waitress said we'd like Harmony Brewing in GD Rapids....She was right!
The Crossroads Rye PA 7% was a flavor bomb! Eric destroyed a Black Squirrel smokey peated porter--amongst others. 6.9%. Check out their menu online.
I may be starting a new congregation in the Midwest. Let the tithing begin. Rev Norv
We stopped in Hastings at Walldorff's Brewery for a Hopaholic DBL IPA 9.4% and 92 IBU's. It was very well balanced so I had 2! The black and blue burger did me in.
Bought a 6 pack if their Hopnoxxious IPA 7.5% and 90 IBU's for $10.50 to go.
Headed to Mason and on to Debbie's to watch her daughter play powder puff football.
Day 23
At the S&pP Oyster Co having Mystic Bridge IPA And lunch. Eric said I needed to visit Mystic River, CT. Good suggestion.
With the entree I had a Shed IPA 6% from Vermont.
I ordered the Seafood Ambrosia---crab. Scallops shrimp and cod $16.95 to go with the Shed.
For just over $30 a wonderful lunch. Thanks, Eric!
Day 24
At the Lancaster Brewing Co in Lancaster PA.
Drove in CT, NY, NJ and PA today. Very windy and rainy. Getting wet on the inside with a Hop Hog IPA 7.9% and 55 IBU's. Not overly hoppy but tasty.
Day 25
Harrisonburg VA
EL: Wow. I had to pay 3.02 yesterday !
NC: A GasWar??? In less than 200 miles I was in PA, MD, WV and VA. Much rather drive in the Appalachians than the coast.
Enjoying a Uinta Hop Notch IPA 7.3% and 82 IBU's at Corgan's Public House in Harrisonburg VA. Closest thing to a brewpub I could find. Best IPA I've had in a while. Hope the County Cobb salad is as good.
A very nice $9 salad!
compete for the Final Win! It starts at 7 pm. goes until around 9-10pm.
It's at Brittannia Arms Pub. Let me know if "westside guy" wants to go along...
8017 Soquel Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
Tel: 831-688-1233
18 Draft Ales, Stouts and Lagers
Fantastic event! We have another opportunity to indulge: August 18. And for a good cause Harvest Food Bank. Be there or be square.
The mighty Guido appeared with flamingo couple. When no one was looking....they got it on.
Holy hops! Anthony serves Stevo-O a pint of Liquid Gold. Look out.
Who knew Nita was a "groupie"........she forced Billy to set up camp in front of the band. I suspect the sax player had a pork chop in his back pocket.
Photo by westsider JIm Gordon.
SCMB irregulars escape to Monterey.
English Ales, Cannery Row Brewing, Cherries Jubilee Classic Car Show, Peter B's, Post No Bills Craft Beer House
Well, okay. It was on the ground. But it had just landed.
Maximum flight time is about 20 min. Cost: $10,000. Designed and manufactured in China.
Sky Cityscapes Photography Services http://www.skycityscapes.com
Gary is at U-Save Liquors on Mission weekdays and at Vino Tabi across from SCMB on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Update: Gary had been working 6 days/week at the cart. Pete has now taken over Mondays and Tuesdays at U-Save to give Gary some time off.
Gary says the upswing doesn't seem to include younger folks, presumably because they don't read newspapers, but get their information on-line.
12 brewerys, 13 days, 5 states.
Day 0: Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery, on the West Side
Day 1: Sierra Nevada Brewery, Chico, CA
Sue enjoys a Hoptimum (10.4%alc 100 IBU).
Day 3: "Tuesday it was Klamath Basin Brewing, Klamath Falls OR for lunch . OK at best---but they did have fried chicken gizzards! Their Crystal Springs IPA?was solid. ?We plan on hitting the Bend Brewing Co's Locals night tonight."
"Bend Brewing Co Locals Night. $2.75 pt + 1/2 price apps. Had a seasonal One Loudah IPA, dbl dry hopped and 7.5% alc." delicious.
"Deshutes Brewery is a must if you're in Bend. They do NOT make a bad beer. Their restaurant is also top notch.
"Visiting these various brewpubs is an arduous undertaking. My training at the SCMB is standing me in good stead."
Day 4: "We had lunch today at the Three Creek Brewing Company at Sisters, Oregon 20 miles west of Bend. The food and the beer was the best so far in OR. ?Had a superb Hoodoo Voodoo IPA 6.2%/80 IBU's."
"This brewery (10 Barrel Brewing Company) is a don't miss if you're ever visiting Bend Oregon. It is well-run and both the beer and food are outstanding."
"Most of their beers are four dollars for a 20 ounce pint all day-no Happy Hour per se.
We shared an Imperious Imperial IPA 9.2%/80 IBU and the New Apocalypse IPA 6.8%/70 IBU, as well as Cowboy pizza w/sausage pepperoni pulled pork and pepperocinis. Wonderful!
Today will be a very tough day to top for both food and beer."
Norm says, "A killer duo!" -- But which duo is he referring to?
"A tankard of Beer Valley Brewery's Leafer Madness 100IBU India Pale Ale. No tasting room, but Mackeys had it on draft.
A bit of a beer desert here in Ontario, OR."
"Our brief brewpub drought is over. We had lunch today at the Sun Valley Brewery which?is on the way to Sun Valley Idaho and at the start of the scenic Trail through the Sawtooth Mtns. The brewpub was a bit shabbier than I remembered. The brewmaid said business was off due to the recession. Excellent salads and Sue enjoyed her Pine Top Pale Ale made w/4 kinds of hops and juniper. I had their CRANKY Uber IPA (Sue said the name suited me) which was good, but not great. Tomorrow we'll be in Montana. ?Thus far this has been a lot of fun."
"The day started with a rainy morning in Glacier National Park and a nice lunch at Tamarack Brewing in Lakeside, MT, which is on the NW side of Flathead Lake."
"We tried two beers , a Rye Sally Rye 6.1% and 45 IBU's and a Hat Trick Hop IPA 7.1% and 70 IBU's. The rye was more complex and flavorful."
"The salmon with soup and green beans as well as the fish and beer-battered blue cheese garlic fries were delicious.
The beers were $3.75 a pint which seems pretty typical for here.
In a few hours we'll be heading about 15 mi north of Kalispell to Whitefish and the Great Northern Brewing Co and sample their wares."
"We had a "peanut" dinner at the Great Northern Brewery--a bowl of peanuts and pitcher of Going to the Sun IPA 4.7% alc 60 IBU for $11 during their daily 4-6 PM happy hour.
It's session beer. Nothing special. We should've gone back to Tamarack, but for that pesky Montana 48 oz daily beer consumption limit."
Today was a long day--Kalispell, Montana to Twin Falls, Idaho. ?The bright spot was lunch at Bertrams Salmon Valley Brewing in Salmon,Idaho.
We tried their Savage IPA 4.8% alc and maybe 60 IBU. It was okay nothing more. The Danny's Smokey Mac Beer Scotch Ale, a seasonal w/peat-smoked barley 7.6% was excellent, unless you like Sue don't like Scotch.
The stacked burger--1/2# beef patty topped with pulled pork, bacon, cheddar, lettuce, tomato and onion for $8.99 +$3.95 for the "Danny's". I couldn't finish it--the beer yes, the burger, no.
Tomorrow on to Reno and the Brew Brothers in the El Dorado.
Their 1066 Pale Ale is a good brew. In addition to their beers, they serve bangers, fish, and chips (as well as other dishes). We were surprised to see Norm's mug hanging on the dealing. Now we know where Norm goes on the days when he's not at SCMB!
Walkers on Ingall Street and visitors to MJA Vineyard's tasting room were treated to a few hours of great jazz from Steve's Jazz Kitchen on Saturday afternoon and evening.
The ambiance on Ingalls Street was transformed by the trio's renditions of jazz classics with sax, flute, electric piano and acoustic bass.
Thanks for the great music, guys!
Carnitas (Nita), Schultzie, Cooper, Luna, Washington, Rudy, Washington, Ruby the Noof, Shadow the noof, Shamus the noof, Olive, Karuna the Noof
"Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery has the best beer in Santa Cruz."
And Jim has been drinking beer in Santa Cruz since 1974...
Santa Cruz Comic News.
All the cool people meet at noon on Tuesdays at Olitas and watch the waves, drink beer and eat awesome fish tacos.
View sitting at the Olitas bar and view of the boardwalk from Olitas' men's room.
Olitas Cantina and Grill
49B Municipal Wharf Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 458-9393
Olitas website
Davenport Roadhouse
Who knows what it's turning into...
Really great apple cider from Nicole. Made from local apples.
Matt Miezio:
Katelyn paints without a brush!
The artists at SCMB:
(Click on the image to see it full-size.)
Highlighting our west side brew maids.
*Left to right: Taylor of SCMB, Kayla the Enforcer and Nicole from SCMB, Lindsay from Riva's, Kayla the Enforcer, Nicole, NIcole, Natalie (aka Natasha the Intimidator), Heather from the Parish, Taylor from SCMB, Maggie the newbie (SCMB), Robyn (SCMB), Natalie (SCMB)
Westside Meatball Cookoff
Click on an image see an enlarged view.
If a man goes into a brewery lavatory only to urinate, should he leave the toilet seat up or down? (Of course he should raise the seat if it is down before urinating.)
I thought this was a simple question; -- of course a well-trained male always leaves the seat down so as not to offend a subsequent female visitor.
"Not so," says a long time visitor of the SCMB toilet. "If you leave the seat down, it invites any subsequent male visitor to try (unsuccessfully) to piss through the seat, leaving the seat soiled for the next female visitor."
Thus, a more considerate approach is to leave the seat up (and clean) so that the next female visitor will be able to lower an unsoiled seat rather than having to deal with a piss-covered toilet seat that may already be in the lowered position.
This is a little-discussed social issue that deserves more open discussion.
Brewer Tommy Mills developed this double blonde on his backyard homebrew system. Deep gold in color, brewed with local honey from Camp Joy. Wildflower aromas, smooth, full of character. 7.5% ABV
Maureen Ford 831 227-5107
One Flat Tire
Amazing bags made from recycled bicycle inner tubes
iPad Shoulder Bags
Custom tablet bags
All made from recycled materials. No two bags are the same!
Flags available from Adbusters.
Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing
Uncommon Brewers
Sante Adarius
Back in Bend at 10 Barrel ??Brewing. ?? This is their sampler 10 beers $10. $10 growler refill. so I've got half a gallon of Apocalypse ?? IPA for a nightcap tonight!
It's been a long day left at 3 AM and got into Bend at 2 PM.
A long day but a good day!
10 Barrel Brewing Company sampler.
Life is good on the Snake River.
High Sierra Brewing, Carson City.
The OMG IPA 7.6% 69 IBU's was/is quite good.
A "tap table" Explain later, food's here.
Too bad it's Saturday....
Last stop at mile 1500 , the Snowshoe ??Brewing Company in Arnold. Highway 4 over the Sierras is scenic the boys at steep twisty and slow. Markleeville would be worth a stop.
There Lodgepole I PA was pretty tasty as was the food and service,
Will be home later today.
A welcome and long-overdue improvement!
Thomas Fallon Mackey's Surface Series
See the Slide show!
and lots more photos.
Click on an image see an enlarged view.
Snapshots of two of the many works on display.
The artist, Sir Tyler Benjamin Speas.
See the rest of the exhibition at SCMB and even more at Blood on Brushes.
Treven's way cool diesel motorcycle
Read about it here (toward the end of the article here's an interview with Treven.)
This month's featured artist is Scott Andrew Jackson.
925 726-9401
WestsideFog is now using our own ScrewtopDb image service, replacing imgur.
The reason for this is the number of imgur outages and performance issues combined with their decision to change their API, resulting in extra work to maintain Westside Fog that would otherwise have been unnecessary.
Existing images are still served by Imgur, but all images added in the future will be served by the ScrewtopDb image service.
Westside Fog now works with IE 8
The Westside Fog website code has been modified to work around the missing features and incorrectly implemented standards in Microsoft's browser-like program Internet Explorer.
There may still be some issues. If you notice anything strange while using IE, please leave a reply to this entry.
The new website is way cool: SCMB Website
Scott's Valley
The SCMB booth. Sean, Taylor, Molly.
Nita attended and brought her owner Billy.
Some people know how to enjoy a beer festival.
Nita had the best idea.........."Billy let's sit under a tree and catch some shade."
And THANK YOU Steve Fennel for rescuing me and letting me borrow your chair for the afternoon. IOU a pint!
"Bring on the pigs! " -- an anonymous SCMB occupier.
Tonto the cockatoo is 22 years old and visited SCMB today with Tim Floyd, his owner. Cockatoos live 50 to 80 years.
I count 27 big 'uns and 30 li'l 'uns.
Come & Shop our Holiday Jewelry Open House - Tonight & Tomorrow
Thursday 11/14 from 5:00pm to 7:30pm & Friday 11/15 from 3:00pm to 8:00pm
Location - Five Gables Family Dentistry - 500 Mission Street - Santa Cruz, Ca
Our jewelry is handmade, unique, one-of-a-kind designs made with european & austrian crystal, natural pearls, and natural stones. We have something for everyone! Come & Shop for the Holidays!
See you there!